Thursday, July 12, 2007

Real Ale Trail to pull visitors

Thirsty visitors will soon be able to sample some of Scotland's most popular pints on the country's first ever Real Ale Trail.  Over 50 Scottish breweries will be coming together to ensure visitors get to sample the quality and diversity of Scottish beer and ales.

Visitors on the trail will get the opportunity to tour some of Scotland's  world famous breweries to learn more about Scottish real ales and of course sample the tasty tipple.

A Real Ale Trail website is also being set up with the VisitScotland funding.  Yvonne Cook who heads VisitScotland's Challenge Fund which is funding the Trail said: "The Real Ale Trail is a superb example of the kind of partnership initiative we need to encourage to achieve our objective of a 50% growth in tourism revenues by 2015. "By linking up with hotels, attractions, bars and restaurants as well as breweries, the Real Ale Trail becomes something that benefits the wider industry—tourism really is everyone's business."

The trail will potentially take visitors to up to fifty breweries around Scotland, from Orkney to the Borders. It will be up and running later this year.

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