As mentioned last year ( I'm really not ready to say that yet ), I'll be listing some of the great blogs that I've come to read through MyBlogLog. First time around, I only mentioned one blog. Mainly because Brian greeted me with open parenthesis and a link when I joined MyBlogLog. Since then, we've done two link exchanges and I've been steadily receiving about 10-15 hits per week from his blog alone. That's pretty impressive for this heavy turd of a blog. But then, it's a link with the word breasts in it, so I'm not sure how impressed I am with the pervs tainting my sphere of influence as MyBlogLog says. Anyhow, this time around your getting five blogs. Deal with it, enjoy it, I do.
1. Designers Who Blog. Authored by Catherine Cat Morley. I have a feeling this is one busy lady. Check out the blog, it's full of great design blogs from designers from every discipline. And it's updated almost daily. Soon she'll have her own social network of designers. Crazy man.
But a great read.
Linked to that is the infamous ( famous? ) NO SPEC blog. That's right, they don't speculate. Just kidding. The site is devoted to the accurate and demonstrable position of designers who refuse to do spec work.
For the most part I agree. It's guess work. It cheats clients of an effective and original design, while cheating the designers themselves of their own talents. It reduces the market value of design and it's integrity as a legitmate professional practice.
2. Adverteasment. Online television news. "When the Internet becomes TV, and the TV becomes the Internet, you will have here a compendium of what led up to that moment."
Authored by Andrew. He's male and addicted to stuff. No seriously, it says so in his profile. I think he's trying to figure out the difference between psychosis and paranoia, and how marketing can induce them. OK, I'm just kidding. "Cognitive Dissonance" & "Didactic Marketing," is what it says in his profile. Check it out. I know the answers he's looking for too, I'm not tell'in 'em tho.
3. Brett Petersel."Internet Rants & Raves." I like to drop by just for the random dish of topics. The site is very nicely designed as well. It's clean. 8)
I'm jealous too.
4. Five Blogs Before Lunch, Authored by Dave Ibsen. "The weblog companion of 5 meetings Before Lunch marketing consultancy." Now, I'm not sure what kind of readership they have outside of Mybloglog but, I really dig this blog. It always has fresh content and–well it's closely related to my professional interests. I usually find something no one else is writing. Which for me, is the best thing about blogging.
5. Finally-A Bowl of Stupid Yeah. I know, it's a fun name. Appropriate for some of us too. That's what drew me there in the first place–wait, what I meant was–ah never mind. This is a great blog. I stop by daily for my helping. It's Authored by Matthew, he's male and lives in Florida. That's all I know. I laugh out loud sometimes too.
There it is. Five more blogs from–yet another social networking blog. Which ironically, by defenition every blog is a social network. As long as your writing for something greater than yourself, it's a social network.
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
uniqueepitome .blogspot .com
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- iPlot: Technology, Drama, the Market, and I (Tim Leberecht)
- How to Change the World (Guy Kawsaki)
- planetargonautes
- the Long Tail
- Beyond the Brand
- local media network
- The Globe And Mail
- Broadcast Web Ideas
- mtheory entertainment
- broadband enterprises
- Mashable
- ignition partners
- bain capital ventures
- Spark Capital