Thursday, December 28, 2006

Lonely Planet Gets Online Travel Channel On ROO's Video Network

ONLINE COMPANY ROO AND LONELY Planet, a leading independent travel guidebook publisher, Web site and television production company, are launching a dedicated Lonely Planet channel on ROO's online video network. The focus is city-based destinations, narrated by authors of the Lonely Planet guidebooks.

Google Says Newspaper Ad Program A Hit

Two months into a test with 100 advertisers and 66 newspapers, Google executives say that a pilot program in which small merchants would go online and bid on the excess ad inventory of daily newspapers has exceeded their expectations. So they plan to roll out an expanded version in the coming months.

"The volume [of ads sold] is tripling where we thought it would be," says Tom Phillips, director of print ads at Google. "I think we'll have real impact next year" on newspapers' bottom lines," he adds.

According to Phillips, the medium is open to a whole new class of advertisers. Newspaper executives and analysts are more cautious, saying that while Google has brought in new advertisers, its online ad technology is so new it remains unclear how much it can help.
The Washington Post  Read the whole story...

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